Cancellation Policy
I understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and I strive to accommodate my clients to the best of my ability. However, to ensure fairness and maintain my services and business efficiency, I have implemented the following cancellation policy:
Cancellations or changes to your appointment with at least 48 hours notice will not incur any charges. I will do my best to reschedule your appointment.
Cancellations with less than 48 hours notice - OR - if you fail to show up to your appointment, will result in a 100% charge of the service fee. By signing the booking and consultation form, you have agreed to adhere to this policy.
Please note that this policy applies to various situations, including but not limited to sickness, lateness, childcare issues, or any other unforeseen circumstances. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to these guidelines.​
​Deposits are required on all laser treatments and are non-refundable.
This is to protect my income and business.
Health and Safety Policy
Client Consultations: Bedford Laser Clinic conduct's a full consultation before any treatment to ensure it is safe and suitable for you.
Hygiene: Bedford Laser Clinic adheres to strict hygiene protocols, including sanitizing equipment and using disposable items where necessary.
Medical Conditions: Please inform us of any medical conditions or recent surgeries that may affect your treatment. A doctor’s note may required in some cases.
Risk Assessments: Bedford Laser Clinic regularly carries out risk assessments to identify and minimise potential hazards associated with the treatments provided and the environment. This includes assessing the safety of equipment, hygiene practices and any risks specific treatments.
Treatment Policy
To ensure the best outcomes and client safety:
All clients must undergo a consultation before their first treatment, including a discussion of medical history and a patch test if required. All consultation forms must be filled out before attending your appointment.
Pre- and Post-Treatment Care
I will provide detailed pre- and post-treatment instructions. Failure to follow these may affect the results of your treatment.
We require written consent before performing any treatments.
Complaints Procedure Policy
At Bedford Laser Clinic, I am committed to providing the highest level of service. I understand that there may be occasions when you are not satisfied, and I aim to handle complaints quickly, fairly, and transparently.
The Policy Aims:
• To ensure clients know how to provide feedback and understand the simple complaints process.
• To treat all feedback seriously, address it promptly and courteously, and keep clients informed throughout.
• To build and improve client relationships by resolving issues at the earliest stage possible.
• To learn from feedback by recording and reviewing complaints to improve our services.
Definition of a Complaint
A complaint is defined as:
“An expression of dissatisfaction regarding Bedford Laser Clinic’s standard of service, treatment, action, or lack of action.”
Please note: A complaint is not considered an initial request for service.
Who Can Make a Complaint?
Any member of the public, their representative, or associated parties can make a complaint about Bedford Laser Clinic.
How to Make a Complaint
Complaints can be made in the following ways:
• Verbally: By speaking directly to Laura during or after your appointment.
• Email: Via the contact section on our website or at
• Letter: Addressed to Bedford Laser Clinic, found in any of your conformation emails.
Complaints Process
1. Stage 1: Initial Complaint
• All complaints must be directed to Laura. I will acknowledge your complaint and aim to respond within 5 working days, regardless of the method used to communicate the issue.
2. Stage 2: Further Investigation
• If you are not satisfied with the initial response, Laura will review the complaint further. This may involve gathering additional information.
• You will receive a follow-up response within 10 working days. If more time is required, I will provide an interim update and outline the expected timescale for a full reply.
3. Stage 3: Final Review
• If you still feel the issue has not been resolved satisfactorily, you must notify me within one month of receiving our Stage 2 response. Laura will then conduct a final internal review.
• A comprehensive response will be provided within 15 working days.
All complaints will be treated confidentially. Only Laura will be aware of the complaint, unless additional information is required to resolve the issue. Where the complaint involves a treatment, relevant details may be shared discreetly to ensure a fair investigation.
Handling Anonymous Complaints
I will act on anonymous complaints, but providing contact details allows us to inform you of the outcome.
Managing Aggressive or Unreasonable Complaints
I aim to handle all complaints fairly and professionally. However, if a complaint becomes aggressive or obsessive, I may take appropriate action, including seeking legal advice. Vexatious complaints may result in formal warnings or restrictions.
Complaints About Products or Suppliers
If your complaint involves a product or equipment used or supplied by Bedford Laser Clinic, I will investigate and liaise with the supplier to seek resolution. Complaints about external manufacturers or suppliers will be forwarded to the relevant parties.
Equalities Statement
Bedford Laser Clinic handles all complaints equitably, without bias or discrimination. I am committed to treating all individuals fairly, regardless of background or circumstances.
Exclusions from This Policy
The following matters are not covered by our complaints procedure:
• Complaints currently subject to legal proceedings.
Monitoring and Learning
All complaints are logged, recorded, and analysed as part of my continuous effort to improve client satisfaction and service quality.